December 2021 Hungary

May evil become good
Seeing the face of God
In the human body..
And there will be a feat of the Human Soul
Keep Holiness
Till the end of time.
We pray to you Heavenly Father
Give us no hope
To the light of the earth
Wrapped in Your Love
Forgive Us Father
For they are blind and dumb in their hearts,
We don’t know what we’re doing
Denying Yourself
Like Mother and Father.
We pray to you Father
For those who can’t go
Thank you for love
Yours and the awakening Light
In our hearts
I love you with all my heart Father.
May it be so
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit


March 2022 Portugal


“A Great Miracle is to Be”

A miracle is not only the form of creation and emergence of Life, but also its manifestation in the process. These moments form the Soul for subsequent rebirths. The Creator does not need words, he participates in Life as in action. He is responsible only for this, everything else is our integration. It is important to keep the mind and body healthy. The mind is necessary to increase knowledge for the Spirit, the Body so that there are strengths to go forward.

Gratitude to People = Gratitude to God

Life and its resolution based on the material is an illusion. Frames build themselves, we become these frames.
What is it to be free? To be aware. Aware of not knowledge, not sensuality, but awareness of how mechanical and integrative Life and our role in it are. The question arises, why do we have a feeling of hatred for each other? Lost sense of the importance of awareness and spirituality.

“A dead fish always goes with the flow, while a live one does the opposite”

When difficulties arise, look at the situation as a whole, be at its source in order to understand its first loop.

“Everything has its time”

In Life there is always a place for a miracle. We can fly like birds in cars that we invented ourselves, run faster than a cheetah, swim into the depths of the ocean like fish, we can heal ourselves by studying medicine in the gifts of the Earth .. We know how to love .. This is what the Creator invested for the continuation of himself, for he is We. Love is infinite, always has been, is and will be.

May 2022 England

Everything is superficial, everything is shaky, what is Faith and Illusion

The love of one God..connecting the thread of existence..the secret of attraction of energies..The great secret of birth
May Your Heavenly Father be hallowed on the lips of Your children in joy and sorrow, accepting God with his heart, He opens the doors of my Soul for healing.
God, Father, I love You with my heart and I understand Your love for such a small person as I has no boundaries and conditions. So be it Father!

Love and Gratitude

July 2022 England


I thank You Father for every day that I have lived, for the opportunity to see this world and its beauty through Your eyes. Thank you for every breath in and every breath out. I thank You for my family and the people that you send to me.
Thank You and I love you with all my heart

August 2022 Hungary

I forgive myself
I forgive my mother
I forgive my father
I forgive my wife
I forgive my children

I want to love and be loved because it’s the same thing ..

I ask God for forgiveness
I apologize to Mother
I ask for forgiveness from the Father
I apologize to my wife
I apologize to the children
I apologize to myself…

I love and I am loved

September 2022 Hungary

“Freedom is not to choose, freedom is not to be chosen”

Freedom has no structure, Freedom has no form, only Content.

Independence from choice – Self-sufficiency – Self-realization – Mutual assistance – Harmony of Relations

1. Faith in the Father and Mother
2. Following in the continuation of what has been started
3.Love for yourself
4. Vision of the world
5.Accepting a Common State of Integrity
6. Development
7. The crown of development, the transformation into a new form

Speak words of Love to each other more often and respect your Father and Mother